Guardianshiop of a Minor
Pursuing guardianship of a minor child may be necessary when grandparents, or other adults, must step in to care for the minor child due to the natural parent's incarceration, incapacity, patterns of abuse or neglect, or even death.
In order to receive many of the childcare services available to a non-parent caregiver, often formal legal proceedings are necessary. This could include health insurance coverage, education, or even the child's medical care. Having served as a guardian ad litem, representing the interests of children involved in difficult situations, Brian understands the obstacles involved in navigating proceedings for obtaining legal guardianship.
In some cases, the defense of children's best interests requires overcoming the objections of parents to a third-party guardianship. Brian works to construct the strongest possible case for you.
Solutions other than a guardianship may be appropriate in some cases as well. Brian can advise you on adoption, grandparent visitation rights, modifying custody, obtaining orders of protection, and other means of helping ensure children's safety and well-being.
To speak to Brian directly, email him directly at to schedule your initial consultation.